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Advising Students on College Fit in a World of Data Overload

Expert: Rick Clark, Georgia Tech

Data isn’t the starting point of the college search, nor is it the final word. But if used correctly, it can help you advise students and their families toward a good match.

Expert: Rick Clark, Georgia Tech

Data isn’t the starting point of the college search, nor is it the final word. But if used correctly, it can help you advise students and their families toward a good match.

Advising Students on College Fit in a World of Data Overload

Expert: Rick Clark, Georgia Tech

Data isn’t the starting point of the college search, nor is it the final word. But if used correctly, it can help you advise students and their families toward a good match.

Advising Students on College Fit in a World of Data Overload

Advising Students on College Fit in a World of Data Overload

College Kickoff, Part 1
College Kickoff, Part 1

Before asking where you want to go to college, ask yourself why. Figure out who you are and what you want to get out of the experience. Join Director of College Counseling Brennan Barnard and his guests Angela Duckworth, author of Grit and Founder and CEO of Character Lab; and Sal Khan, author of The One World Schoolhouse and Founder and CEO of Khan Academy, for a discussion on resources, resilience and self-reflection as you begin your college journey.

College Kickoff, Part 1
How to Manage Admissions Pressure: College Fit and Family Stress
How to Manage Admissions Pressure: College Fit and Family Stress

Experts: Candice Mackey, Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies; Denise Pope, Challenge Success.

A look at how to support students’ well being and reduce unnecessary pressure around the college admissions process. This episode also debunks college myths surrounding rank and selectivity.

How to Manage Admissions Pressure: College Fit and Family Stress
Big Picture Overview: Dos and Don'ts as You Chart Your Path to College
Big Picture Overview: Dos and Don'ts as You Chart Your Path to College

Experts: Heather Ayres, independent counselor; Rebecca Barr, Education First; Annabel Hughes, Boston Univ. student; Candice Mackey, Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies; Sabrina Manville, Edmit; Rehan Yadav, Rutgers Univ. student

Juniors, this is your journey. Chart your path and gain an edge by learning the most important parts of the admissions process and separating fact from fiction.

Big Picture Overview: Dos and Don'ts as You Chart Your Path to College

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Advising Students on College Fit in a World of Data Overload


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