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The CGN College & Career Library is a free resource. NACAC membership is not required but does provide NACAC members with access to certain premium features.
CGN partners with leading industry organizations and individuals with expertise on College and Career Planning and Counseling. From time-to-time, these partners have resources to share with Library users; opt in to receive these updates and offers.
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Register for a Free College & Career Resource Library
The CGN College & Career Library is a free resource. NACAC membership is not required but does provide NACAC members with access to certain premium features.
CGN partners with leading industry organizations and individuals with expertise on College and Career Planning and Counseling. From time-to-time, these partners have resources to share with Library users; opt in to receive these updates and offers.
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A Single Resource: We have built a single source for a comprehensive collection of content and tools.
Custom Branded and Easily Shared: You remain the go-to resource. This free library enables you to share content quickly. You can even personalize the Library with your school branding.
Expert Content: You can be confident that information you share comes from the best in the industry. Resources provided through the Library are provided by CGN and contain no advertisements.
Range of Topics for Everyone: Topics are designed to reach broad audiences and are organized under four themes: researching, applying to college, paying for colleges, and exploring career and other opportunities.